Nexus User Guide

Power BI Import

This feature allows you to import a CSV (comma delimited) file that has been generated in Power BI One VM Completed Tree Report.  Refer to your job aids for that program for more information. A brief tutorial for the report can be found at the end of this section. Assuming you have been assigned the Keychain key to use this feature, when you click the TMC Invoice button, you will see the Power BI button just right of the Crews section.  This button allows you to import a completed tree report into an invoice.
In Nexus, the process starts by the user starting a new invoice (or selecting an invoice that does not have any billable rate codes entered yet).  Once the invoice has a detail record, with no rate codes entered yet, Nexus will allow you to import a file while in Edit mode.  This can be performed for multiple detail records on a single invoice as long as the detail record has no rate code entries yet.  At this point the Power BI button will be enabled.
You must be in Edit mode before you are able to import any records
Start a new invoice, or open an existing invoice for edit.  Make sure you have selected a detail record that does not have any time/rate code records.  Select the Power BI Import button.  You will see a list of files available in your default Import location (see Tools - Options for setting your file path options).
Verify the daily entries, and click SAVE to save invoice changes.
This section is a brief summary of using the Power BI Completed Tree report to create a file that can be imported into Nexus. You should refer to your Power BI documentation for a detailed explanation on using this report.   In general, when you bring up the report in your browser window, you will select the contractor, week ending date (and any other filters you want) as shown below.  In th example below, we chose company code WRT and week  ending date of 2/18/2023.  Next click the '...' over the Data section and choose Export Data.  From there make sure you select Summarized Data section, and File Format should be set to CSV.  Click the green Export button, and save the file to your personal drive so it can be accessed by Nexus through Citrix.
The report must be by week ending date as Nexus confirms the import is valid for the invoice week ending date.  Any work items outside the range of the week ending date will not be imported by Nexus, and Nexus will notify you of this issue.