Nexus User Guide

View Work Order

After searching for work order, it will be displayed on screen for you to review.  There are a few routines you can use while on this screen.  There has been an EDIT button added to this form that allows you to log into SalesForce for the tree you selected and make applicable edits to that tree using SalesForce.
View Work Order

View Status, Log,History and RTV reasons if applicable

1. View Status, Log,History and RTV reasons if applicable
The status pulldown will indicate the status of your workorder/invoice in the system.  While "In Progress" the invoice is under contractor control to make changes as needed.  Once submitted to PGE the status will change to "Pending Review" and then will change as PG&E goes through the review and approval steps.

Submit Invoice to PGE

2. Submit Invoice to PGE
Once your work order is complete and ready to be reviewed by PGE, click the Submit to PGE checkbox.  You have 24 hours where you can unsubmit the invoice and make additional changes.  If PG&E has already started reviewing your invoice, you will not be able to unsubmit it, even if less than 24 hours has transpired.  Once an invoice has been paid, you will then be able to unsubmit the invoice to make additional changes.

View, edit, upload supporting documents

3. View, edit, upload supporting documents
<TODO>: Insert description text here...

Off line comments

4. Off line comments
<TODO>: Insert description text here...

Edit Tree

5. Edit Tree
Click the pencil button next to the tree you want to make changes to.  This will open a browser window after logging you in to SalesForce, which will allow you to make changes to the selected tree.
NOTE:  Changes made in SalesForce will not be visible in Nexus for up to 4 hours after change is made.  You will need to reload the work order at that time to review your changes