MeterSwap offers the best software development services in the industry. Our 30 years of knowledge and expertise in the utility industry
allow us to produce efficient and logical software designs for all field asset management, inspection, and inventory applications.
Click below to learn more about these time proven and utility recommended services.
The MeterSwap system was designed and developed by Dan Block in collaboration with one of the finest Meter Installation companies in the country.
Together they fine-tuned a system that provides all elements needed when working with both utilities and contractors. Here is what we do:
We analyze the meter data available from the utility company, whether in Excel, Access, or any other electronic format available
All aspects of meter installation are taken into consideration from our more than 8 years of experience swapping out smart meters
Life support, disconnects, specialty meters, access issues, customer issues, all are taken into consideration for the safety of your customers
and the accuracy of your data collection
Data is then formatted, verified and loaded into our secure server database
Our PC software allows the foreman to assign meters to each individual installer on a daily basis. Meters are easily transferred to other installers when necessary
Meter types are carefully filtered to ensure the installer with the necessary experience is given the meters they are familiar with
Data is preloaded to the devices wirelessly whenever needed
New meter inventories are stored on each device to verify that a valid new meter number and type is used during the installation
When installations are completed each day, the installer will transmit their data wirelessly or direct connected into the database system where it can be
immediately analyzed and quality checked by audit personnel before releasing to the utility company
PC/Web Applications
Once the data reaches our servers, authorized contractor personnel can audit and review the data with our included PC or Web database reporting and editing program.
Meters data and photos can be quickly viewed by day, and can be filtered by features such as meter type, installer, meter number (or range), and we even provide a filter
to identify meters that have been reported with an off read that is outside the expected range. Some of the included features in these applications are:
Photo carousel to quickly view all photos taken for each meter
Filter list view by 3-strike, meters that were reported outside range of expected values, specific installer, date range
Search and display individual meter by old or new meter number
Export meter images for one or all meters from database to standard jpeg files
Processing Services
Included with our MeterSwap services is processing of data directly to the utility company. Every morning by 9am PDT we have processed all work from the prior day.
Contractor can delay processing if need be due to delays in their audit process or other unforeseen circumstances. Billing files are formatted exactly as specified
by the utility company and delivered to a secure FTP site where they can be loaded as needed into the billing system.
A variety of reports are provided with our MeterSwap software. While some of them are listed below we can integrate almost any report you need into your application.
Weekly production by installer by day including start and stop times for each installer
Monthly and year-to-date production and project completion reports
3-Strike, RTU, Disconnects and inaccessible meters
Routing report for daily meter assignments to installers
Billing reports to identify number and type of installs to bill utility company. Utility company can use these for reverse billing if desired
Full Support
Oftentimes the data we receive from the utility company may have errors. We trap and review all data errors prior to loading. When practical, we correct the errors without
your being aware. No wasted time on your part. Errors when found are reported to the utility so they can correct their database system, but installations continue seamlessly.
We have the experience and knowledge to know when data does not make sense and we pride ourselves on correcting any discrepancies quickly and with as few people involved as possible.
The bottom line is, that our MeterSwap software does what you need, when you need it to. Simple interface keeps your mind on production, not on technology. And if you are ever in need,
we are but a phone call away to get you on your way. Our team provides global edit functions to save you time, or you can do it yourself with embedded editing functions per your request.
The utility gets their data accurately, on time, and without issues which allows them to focus on their jobs. Lastly, we provide an interface between Contractor and Utility.
Communication between Utility, MeterSwap and Contractor is not always easy to understand without an interpreter. We are your interpreter and will keep everyone in sync
with each other's needs.