When you click the Save button every tree that was modified will be validated. As each tree passes validation it is then submitted to be invoiced. If there are any errors in the tree entry itself, the error(s) are reported and the tree is not saved. In this case the user is still in EDIT mode. Correct the errors and hit Save again to re validate and invoice.
As you will see below, errors are reported by placing a red box around the row that is in error, and the actual error is reported at the bottom of Grid. In the example below, three trees have different errors. You can either click in the fields to correct the errors, or double click each error message which will take you to the exact field that needs to be corrected.
Tree in Error
All trees that are in error will be outlined in a red rectangle
On the bottom of grid, all errors are listed by tree# and error reported. Double clicking this error will place the cursor in the column you need to correct for the tree# listed.